Donating Through Crowdfunding, Social Media, and Fundraising Platforms Great Fundraising Ideas

It integrates with Meta for Business, so you can accept donations or sell goods on Instagram and Facebook. Your team can collect donor funds in person by logging into the Square POS app from their mobile phone or tablet. We couldn’t do what we do without our volunteers, fundraisers, and donors. Become a volunteer, make a tax-deductible donation, or participate in a fundraising event to help us save lives. When it comes to pricing, the site offers free online campaigns if they are only online.
When you plan on sharing through Twitter, Facebook, or other social platforms, it’s just a click of the button. Since Bloomerang Payments is built into the platform, you don’t need to integrate products. Plus, Bloomerang allows donors to cover transaction fees so more funds go to your charity. Inkd Apparel is amongst t-shirt fundraising platforms that give their expert campaign advice. The site actively works with nonprofits for creating t-shirts that represent a cause.
Fundly is a crowdfunding platform designed for both individuals and nonprofits. With Fundly, Great Fundraising Ideas can customize your donation page and then share that page with friends, coworkers, and family. Those very people can help you raise money by sharing the campaign to their social media, generating awareness of your fundraising work. Givebutter is so easy to use, the functionality is huge for a free platform, and as a nonprofit struggling to raise money—Givebutter makes it easier than other donation websites to connect with donors. I love how I can sell tickets directly on the platform, which is how we as a nonprofit in the music industry make the most of our money!
For example, if you see a high bounce rate on your donation page, you may rethink the donation form you’re using and switch it out for one that’s more user-friendly. Zoom makes it easy to video conference and message team members during fundraising campaigns. The simple usability makes Zoom incredibly easy for any of your team members to download and communicate with.
Bonfire’s fundraising platform is free for anyone to use, which means you keep 100% of the money you raise. The only fee Bonfire will ever collect is an 8% processing fee on additional donations. But if you’re a verified nonprofit on Bonfire, then your processing fee is reduced to 3%.